Email Marketing Guide 2019 – Top Tips for Content Syndication

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Email Marketing Guide 2019 – Top Tips for Content Syndication

The Latest Top Ten B2B Emailing Tips

Timing – Time your email sends inside office hours. Now so many people pick up their emails outside of work receiving a business promotion in leisure time is often unpopular and often irritates and creates a higher opt-out rate.

Make Your Subject Line Matter – With today’s fast pace messaging, the subject line will decide whether your email is read at all so make it compelling to read.

Personalise – Make your email message personal. Talk to your reader and use the words that matter to them, including their name, their company and interests. Personalisation includes sending your email from a real person and using a real sending email address. Personalisation can increase response by as much as 30% so worth doing.

Target, Target, Target – Focus on your key target markets with email content that is current and essential reading. Getting zero response means you are not reaching the right market with the right message.

Call to Action – Always include a call to action such as a web link to find more info or get an offer. Also include an easy to find landing page so prospects can find your offer online if they are click adverse. Over 90% of all response will come within the first 24 hours of your campaign being broadcast so don’t miss an opportunity for your B2B recipients to follow up.

A/B Testing – As old as the hills but an essential part of your email campaign is to test different elements such as your subject line, your target list or links by splitting the list randomly. Keep a record of what works and keep testing on every email broadcast you run.

Calendarise – Check your calendar, and international calendars if you are running global marketing campaigns, to avoid holidays and major events. There’s mothering worse than realising you have just spent budget and sent your hard worked on piece to a whole country on holiday.

Test – Test your email with colleagues for content and rendering across different devices and platforms. Your email message and content can look very different depending on both the device reading it and the platform being used.

Privacy – Make cleaning your unsubscribes a priority after every email campaign. Not only do you not want to send your email messages to people who don’t want to hear from you, but you don’t want to spend valuable business hours on the fall out of emailing unsubscribes. Good privacy practise has worked well long before GDPR or PECR and should be rolled out across all countries as good measure.

Be Social – Include links to your social media pages and have consistent or the same information or offer on your social media pages and website so your prospect has multiple opportunities to receive your message/offer.

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